Complex apartments Security Services

Your Business Situation

Your complex must juggle any number of situations to run its business successfully and you want to ensure that security issues do not distract you from your core mission. In actuality, you hope that a professional approach to securing your site will positively affect your business operations. Below are several security-related issues we know you will want to address:

Customer Service to Your Management:

As a professional security company, our job is to help you and your managers succeed. This is accomplished by open and frequent communications between our staff and yours. Together, we operate as a team with the same common goals in mind.


Customer Service to Your Tenants:

As officers have the opportunity to interact with tenants, OPR Security recognizes that the security team is really an extension of you. OPR Security believes that we should project the same corporate professionalism and courtesy that a tenant would receive if actually dealing with your firm. By getting to know your tenants and your staff by name, GSC creates a synergy that builds relationships of trust.

Report Property Maintenance Issues:

Your properties are valuable assets and it’s important to observe and report maintenance and other issues in a timely fashion. For our current clients we help report on things like burned out lights, leaking water lines, common area maintenance issues, potential safety hazards, vandalism, parking violations etc. Your company needs its security personnel to serve as an extra set of eyes and ears to identify these potential maintenance issues.

Enforce CCR Compliance:

Nearly every complex will have its unique set of covenants, conditions and restrictions in place to protect its own business interests as well as those of its tenants. Your security team needs to be mindful of professionally enforcing your CCRs as may be needed.

Conduct Timely Lockdowns and Unlocks:

You want the peace of mind knowing that your property is properly secured after hours and ready for business at the start of each work day. Your management depends on its security team to lock and unlock buildings at predetermined times.

Deter Crime:

Unfortunately, criminal activities occur throughout our State with alarming frequency at apartment complexes. As your company takes seriously its responsibility to protect staff, tenants and visitors against crime you need your security partner to provide a professional deterrent to help you meet that responsibility.

Report Property Activity:

For a variety of reasons (e.g. insurance, operations, safety), your company needs to keep track of activities at your site. You need a security provider who emphasizes the important role that observing and reporting plays in your business operations. Our reports are all done electronically and allow you to save, print or file them as you wish.

Enforce CCR Compliance:

Nearly every complex will have its unique set of covenants, conditions and restrictions in place to protect its own business interests as well as those of its tenants. Your security team needs to be mindful of professionally enforcing your CCRs as may be needed.
